Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The Question

I asked mommy how babies came
She looked at me and smiled
She motioned for me to sit right down
And said 'Listen to me my child'
'A man and woman who feel such love
Get married and live together
Nine months later a baby's born
With love that lasts forever'
I tilted my head, stuck out my tongue
Then said 'Don't tell me any more'
Daddy walked in to say goodnight
I gave him a look like never before
He frowned at mom then me and said
'What seems to be the problem?'
I relayed all that I was told
'No wonder you look so glum'
Daddy tried to assure me
'There's no need to think about that'
Dreary I laid down my head
And he gave me a little pat
'Don't let me grow up' I said
He smiled and closed my door
I wished I could stay 9 years old
  I hoped someday I'd create a cure

By Auras Rose
© 2012 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Silence awaits behind lurking shadows
A yearning hunger of lust arises
Equally expressive of powerful emotions
Denied the love I so crave and deserve
Lack of understanding arises between
Crushed like a bug as one would see me
Not worthy of these emotions so pure
My eyes are the windows into my soul
I strain to see the flicker inside
I have failed
Could all be lost?
The dark abyss hauls me down
I hold out my arms for acceptance 
 by Auras_Rose on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 11:12pm

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Out The Window

Outside the sun dances on the horizon
The sky gives way to a cloudy eve
Non-shalantly the wind picks up its brute force
Allowing a single leaf to glide along the atmosphere
The crimson leaf is everything I ever wanted to be
With nothing to hold it back but its willingness to explore where
the breeze may take it
It remains just long enough to hug the recently sun kissed ground
I look on to take in the fantastic slide show nature offers
The dull gray clouds lavish the land below with a cool, sweet wetness
Plump raindrops greedily pound the window as if forcing their way into my world
Across the street, unaware of my curious eyes a little boy jumps
into a muddy puddle
He plays merrily as if the gloominess of the night has not yet affected him
A child's playground is formed as the puddles multiply
The rain reluctantly retreats from which it came
The pavement now glistens beneath a cloudless sky
Lazily, I close the blinds unable to determine what the heavens will play for me tomorrow

Panic Attack

Sitting so solemnly I have unsolicited thoughts
My heart beats rapidly with no control
The room slowly grows smaller
Walls are closing in around me
A feeling of claustrophobia enhances fear
My body shakes as if I am naked in a cool breeze
My breath becomes shallow as I long for
oxygen to hungrily fill my lungs
The phone rings and the children cry as if in the far off distance
My body looses all control
In through the nose out through the mouth
My breaths become more rhythmic
My bursting heart slows its rapid pace
The world seems larger now
My eyes focus around me
I smile, it's over now
Gradually, I return to the present and continue
on with my life with a false feeling of control

Monday, December 20, 2010

Life as I've Experienced: TOUCH

Life as I've Experienced: TOUCH



The touch so tender
His fingers entice
He talks with his hands
His caress so precise
In his arms I feel safe
Longing him to be near
Entangled with his body
Never having to fear
Sensual and arousing
My inner most being
Our souls become one
With the love I was feeling 
  By Trish Coburn
© 2010 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grandpa's Babies

In this time of need and constant prayer
Confusion in their hearts is clear

As hard as they try to understand
Choosing what to say as we all hold out our hands

To simplify the course of life is harder than it may seem
They know that there's no more pain as they continue with their dreams

Through all their sadness as well as their grief
A bond developed although their time was brief

He never did forget how meaningful the time would be
Though nothing held him back with his grand boys he was free

He never felt imprisoned when his babies were there for him
The joy that ran through his heart even though the future was grim

Randy, we all miss you and can't help but shed painful tears
You'll never be forgotten with your grand boys through the years

Your family and your friends will pray as they reach out
You are listening with a smile across your face no doubt

I pray that you look over the boys through the tough times and the good
While they grow into adults please guide them if you could

You'll never be forgotten as we pray with hopes you'll hear
As long as you're around and listening there's no reason to shed a tear

Dedicated to Randy Mills
My prayers go to his family and friends 
  By Trish Cockburn
© 2010 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


As she nervously awaits outside, she slowly takes in the thin crisp air
She anxiously awaits an unknown visitor's arrival to decide her fate
She tries with every part of her being to stay calm now
The tippity-tap of the keyboard can only open or close the door to her happiness

Even the musical sound of nature is unable to drown out her beating heart
Her sub-conscience struggles with her conscience telling her there's nothing to fear
Fearing her emotions will overpower her as she relives her life story as if
written in a book

She drifts away listening to the crickets chirping as they cleverly hide in the
bright green blades of grass as camouflage
If only she could be that small so no-one could see her while she chirps
along side them

Un-willingly, she slowly recaptures reality of the present time
She still remains outside taking in the crisp air as she is consciencely aware
that her life story must reluctantly be told to a stranger while she types
what my life was like stopping at the present

By Trish Cockburn

© 2009 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why is it acceptable for someone who doesn't know you decide whether you're allowed to see your own children if sufficient proof of the incapabilities of raising children of the other parent is proven?
Knowing that one parent is more capable than the other should account for something. Wouldn't the best for the children be to be raised by the parent that is the least threat to the well being of their future and mental stability seem the logical choice? So why does it seem like the courts side with the unstable parent? I've been through it all and am going through it by my boyfriend's side while the mother of his children, though incredibly unstable gets what she wants with no regard to the kids well being therefore denying them a voice. Is that fair? Far from it. She does in no circumstance deserve any respect or the right to rear innocent children as she has pretty much taken all their innocence away. Is that fair? All accusations against him have been all misguided and unfounded, yet he has to fight just to see his children. I will continue this in a while.

Monday, May 17, 2010


If you wish to share privately, I have to read my comments before they are put on my page so you can share with me and no one will know. I respect others privacy and under no circumstance will I betray that.


Have you ever wondered where your life is going and if your efforts are good enough.
Sometimes I think if I've even tried to get my life where I want it. A career, stability for my kids and relationships. Do I purposely sabotage myself? Sometimes I wonder. I know I can have a better life but what is holding me back? I can play the victim or the one who has overcome all obstacles. I know the choice is mine, but why am I so afraid? I know I sabotage my own life and purposely put obstacles in my way. I'm scared to live, I'm scared of life, it freaks me out, but why I constantly ask myself. I'm smart, educated and put my children on the right path but why can't I follow my own teachings? It's almost like I purposely fail. All these questions plague me constantly.

The Mask

Behind the mask is where I hide
Never feeling free
Take all emotions that burn inside
Never being me
Who exactly am I?
A question I know too well
Without an answer 'til the day I die
My life has become my hell
No one to confide in
To take my mask off so slow
Knowing that I'll never win
Not knowing where to go
Acceptance of this fate is clear
Hurtful so deep that some refuse to see
Taking all I have to hold back a tear
Always longing to be free

By Trish Cockburn

© 2009 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)

Reaching Within

Reaching Within

Confusion plagues a young growing soul
Hatred only for herself was all she ever knew
So quiet and kind to all, reaching for happiness as her goal
Emotions forced down forbidden to feel or prove she had a clue

Now a timid adult, too trusting yet thrown in her face
It becomes more adamant when a man grabs her heart
Naively she gave it all as if her world were made out of lace
Loving a man yet cursing herself still expected to play the part

Others expectations more demanding while her own never mattered
Forced to become someone who only knew how to pretend
A young wife and mother her dreams all but shattered
However her love for her boys so deep as they would not be forced to contend

Taking a stand the circle for them would end
Never would she think to deny kisses and hugs
They would always that her love for them they'd never defend
She would guarantee their lives like hers they'd never be walked on like rugs

By Trish Cockburn

© 2009 Trish Cockburn (All rights reserved)